Re: udp packet storms - ping death

Charles Howes (
Fri, 4 Nov 1994 03:31:05 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 4 Nov 1994, Paul O'Donnell wrote:

> Charles Howes reckons:
> >Yes, I've found one that's rather easy:

 --embarrassing incident deleted--

> Hmmm, I get
> mkdir: bar: No such file or directory
> SunOS 4.1.3


This.. is what happens when you're too afraid to test the command on
your only system, a production system.  (It was a while ago, and I
don't remember the details, and my dog ate my homework, and..)

I guess I won't post the other bug until I've tested it again.  Call
it a couple of weeks.
Charles Howes --
 Always tell the truth, then you make it the other bloke's problem! 
 - Sean Connery, 1971